Certified Selenium Tester Foundation including exam
By following this training, you will gain knowledge of building and implementing Selenium solutions. This can save valuable time during software development processes.
What will you learn?
You will learn about the factors on why to decide to automate testing. You will also learn specific techniques for navigation, interaction with GUI elements, logging and reporting.
The following learning objectives will be achieved:
Being able to correctly execute test automation principles to build and implement a maintainable test automation solution
Being able to correctly choose and implement correct test automation tools
Being able to successfully implement Selenium WebDriver scripts that perform functional web application tests
What are you going to do?
Selenium Tester Foundation is a practical training aimed at test professionals who start making Selenium WebDriver tests.
What prior knowledge do you need?
General knowledge of programming and a basic knowledge of Python.
Can you take the exam?
After the training you can take an exam. The cost of the exam are included in the training price. Any discount does not apply to the exam costs. If you want to order a re-exam, you can do so here.
Who is this training suitable for?
Test professionals who want to automate with the use of the Selenium WebDriver toolset.