Tricentis Tosca Deep Dive − Managing your Stateful Data

Drew Graham 1200x350


Training price
775 (ex. VAT)
Training speaking language
Dutch (training language)
Training duration
1 day (training duration)
Training material language
English (material language)
Number of course participants
8 (max. per lecturer)

In house Subscribe

Test automation is becoming increasingly important. Tosca is a software testing tool used for automating end-to-end testing for software applications. The Tricentis Test Suite has a user-friendly scanning and object recognition function. This makes it possible to easily create reusable modules, which can be used as building blocks for setting up tests.

In this training you will get the theoretical and practical knowledge to work with test data and you will learn how to store it in the Test Data Service (TDS) database.

What will you learn?

During this training the following topics will be covered:

  • Initialize, install and configure Tricentis Server and TDS
  • Create, retrieve, search for, update and move test data for efficient stateful test data management
  • Read and delete test data
  • Lock and unlock test data in a distributed environment using non-UI/API modules

You will also learn how to test reliably and make consistent use of test data throughout the entire chain.

What are you going to do?

During this training, theory and assignments around an interesting practical case alternate. The focus is on creating test scenarios for a simulated HTML webshop. 

Who is this training suitable for?

This training is intended for (technical) test analysts, test designers and test automation developers.

What prior knowledge do you need?

  • General IT knowledge
  • Tricentis Tosca Fundamentals − Automating web application testing certificering
  • Tricentis Tosca Fundamentals − Optimizing test automation with centralized test data certificering
  • Tricentis Tosca Deep Dive − Structuring your test cases and test data certificering

Exam information

The training is concluded with an exam and you will receive a badge from Tricentis.

Can I help you?

Lisette Heijkoop
Manager Sogeti Academy
Phone number: +31 886 606 650
Start date Training days Time Location
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